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February 26, 2012

The term Upanishad is derived from upa (near), ni (down) and s(h)ad (to sit). In ancient Indian teaching system groups of pupils sit near the teacher to learn from him the secret doctrine. Upanishad means brahma-knowledge by which ignorance is loosened or destroyed. In the Upanishads the spiritual meanings of the Vedic texts are brought out and emphasized in their own right. The Upanishads constitute what we call the Vedanta (Veda-anta), the end of the Vedas, not merely because they constitute the last part of them. Some 350 Upnanishads are known to exist but traditionally 108 Upanishads contained in the Muktikopanishad are considered most important.

Importance of upanishads:-
A physician can tell you about different organs of the body,their functions,...etc. Similarly, if someone wants to know about himself [inner self], upanishads discusses about different aspects like what is jeevatma?How does this merge into paramatma? what is Brahma?This knowledge is given clearly in upanishads. However an important issue and a matter of great secret is that the Truth cannot be described,It can only be experienced.
Simple example is as long as we say sugar is sweeter,sugar is sweeter, we know it only to some extent,but the moment you taste it,then only the absolute truth about sugar is experienced.
Like wise the ultimate Truth can only be experienced and Upanishads are the storehouse of knowledge,they act as a medium for the realization of Brahma.

"The perfection of serving others is to serve that person who is the root cause of all existence, because when we serve Him we automatically render the best loving service to all living beings. Just as when we water the root of a tree all the leaves and branches are nourished, when give our love to the Supreme Personality of Godhead our love is distributed to all living beings, and we feel unlimited happiness. -Servant of God"

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Prediction of Child  

The birth of a child takes place only with the blessings of the almighty and this is the area where the effects of noble deeds of one’s past clearly manifest themselves and Indian astrology assumes significance.

In Indian horoscope, the 5th house of a horoscope which is also called as noble deeds indicates progeny, 9th house which is 5th, from 5th on the basis of the principle of Bahavat bhavam and also 7th house are important for the birth of a child. All these three houses and their lords should be well placed in the birth chart as well as in ‘Navamsha’. Then they should not have any malefic aspect nor they should be in ‘Paap Kartari yoga’’.Similarly, 5th, 7th and 9th lords should neither be,debilitated, combust or otherwise ill placed nor they should have any malefic aspect. Jupiter the significator of child birth should also be strong in the birth chart and Saptamsha chart.

The lord of the fifth house containing a mool trikona sign becomes the prime determinant for male progeny. In case of the fifth house does not contain a mool trikona sign, then the lord of the second house becomes the prime determinant for child birth. If both the fifth and the second houses do not contain mool trikona sign, then Jupiter becomes prime determinant for male child. The lord of the ascendant of Saptamamsha containing a mool trikona sign and the sun become the secondary determinants for male child. The happiness from male child is seen from the tenth house.

The number of children the mother will have can be easily determined by the 'influence' on the mother's 5th house; Mercury's strong influence on the 5th house suggests two children, if Saturn two or less, if Jupiter three or more.

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Education and Astrology  

Making Right choices & taking right Decisions at the right times is very important for every student who wants to make his or her Career.
The planets in your horoscope, or birth chart, indicate the type of education and profession that could suit you best. It can also highlight and reveal the periods best suitable for your education.
According to astrology, the third house is the home of education. It represents your capacity for learning, and intellectual capabilities. Ruled by the Sun sign Gemini, and the planet Mercury, the third house provides the ground for what type of schooling and subjects, including college learning, could suit you best.
The third house mirrors your talent for common sense too — the most uncommon thing in our highly competitive world!When Mercury is in its own house or in a Kendra from the ascendant or remains in a trine the native gets flourished with high education, vehicles and property. If Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are in the ninth house the native is renowned scholar.

The ninth house, in like manner, is thought to be the home of higher learning. It covers areas such as the sciences, spirituality, philosophy, and so on. The ninth house is ruled by the Sun sign Sagittarius, and the planet Jupiter.

The ninth house represents what you can achieve, not just in terms of learning, but also through your intuitive and exploratory abilities.

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Career by Planets  

Astrology can indicate when career advances and setbacks are most likely. Using a combination of transits and planetary dashas, we can usually determine which times will yield favorable results and which times may prove more difficult. The dasha of a poorly placed, afflicted planet may prevent any advance despite the best efforts and hard work on the job. Conversely, the period of a well-placed planet may bring a very easy promotion or a new job that seems to just fall in one’s lap.

The critical issue then lies in determining which planets can yield good results and which will not. This is rarely straightforward and requires careful consideration of the natal and dashamsha (D-10) charts.

Sun authority, politicians, scientists, leaders, directors, government employees, doctors, jewelers

Moon nursing, the public, women, children, travelling, marine, cooks, restaurants, import/export.

Mars fire, energy, metals, initiative, weapons, construction, soldiers, police, surgeons, engineers.

Mercury intellect, writing, teaching, merchandise, clerks, accountants, editors, transport, astrologers.

Jupiter finance, law, treasury, scholars, priests, politicians, advertising, psychologist, humanitarian.

Venus pleasures, luxuries, beauty, art, music, entertainment industry, sex industry, hotels.

Saturn the aged, death, real estate, labour, agriculture, building trades, mining, monk.

Rahu researchers, engineers, physicians, medicine/drugs, speculators, aviation, electricity, waste.

Ketu idealism, enlightenment, religion, secret affairs, poisons, metaphysics.

Uranus scientists, inventors, computing, astrologers, lab technicians, electronics.

Neptune photographers, movies, marine, oil, pharmaceutical, psychics, poets.

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